Strengthening Family Coping Resources (SFCR) is a manualized, trauma-focused, skill-building intervention. SFCR is designed for families living in traumatic contexts with the goal of reducing the symptoms of posttraumatic stress...
SPARCS is a present-focused, 16-session manually guided group treatment. It is specifically designed to improve the emotional, social, academic, and behavioral functioning of adolescents exposed to chronic interpersonal trauma (such...
TA-FC is a manualized trauma-focused practice rooted in the principles of Family Connections (FC), specifically designed to reduce risk factors for child maltreatment, increase protective factors, improve child safety, and...
This outpatient treatment program’s primary goal is to reduce sexual behavior problems among school-age children, through the provision of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychoeducational, and supportive services to children and families....
In CD-CP communities, mental health professionals are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to respond immediately to police calls involving child victims or witnesses to violence....
TAP is a treatment model that incorporates assessment triage and essential components of trauma treatment into clinical pathways. TAP incorporates a multifaceted assessment process to enable clinicians to gain an...
The Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) intervention was developed to help caregivers nurture and respond sensitively to their infants and toddlers to foster their development and form strong and healthy...
CARE is a trauma-informed modification of specific PCIT skills for general usage by non-clinical adults who interact with traumatized children and their caregivers within various milieu settings. CARE has been...
Culturally Modified Trauma-Focused Treatment (CM-TFT) is a culturally adapted intervention based on Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It maintains the key components of standard TF-CBT with the addition of modules integrating...
Virtual reality therapy, also called virtual reality exposure therapy, allows you to enter a virtual world that is carefully constructed to increase your exposure to negative stimuli, so you can...