The Attachment Vitamins online course is an interactive, self-paced e-learning course for those adults who often find themselves in the company of children aged zero to five and their families,...
"This presentation introduces the topics of disaster mental health services, mental health surge capacity, and psychiatric first aid. This presentation's content is part of a non-credit, professional development training generated...
"This course will highlight the most interesting experiments within the field of psychology, discussing the implications of those studies for our understanding of the human mind and human behavior. We...
Hundreds of psychology courses Free Online Psychology Classes: Coursera - Introduction to Psychology as a Science
Presents quantitative approaches to measurement in the psychological and social sciences. Topics include the principles of psychometrics, including reliability and validity; the statistical basis for latent variable analysis, including exploratory...
Presents quantitative approaches to theory construction in the context of multiple response variables, with models for both continuous and categorical data. Topics include the statistical basis for causal inference; principles...
The course is designed to help students develop basic literacy regarding social concepts and processes that influence health status and public health interventions. The course also hopes to help students...
Psychiatric Epidemiology reviews descriptive and analytic epidemiology for major mental disorders of childhood, adulthood, and late adult life. The course will also examine issues of classification and the nosology of...
Introduces mental health as an integral part of global health research, including conducting needs assessments and intervention monitoring and evaluation. Presents and critiques strategies for integrating local cultural perspectives into...
The course is an introduction to the approach of Reflective Practice developed by Donald Schön. It is an approach that enables professionals to understand how they use their knowledge in...