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Meet The Characters

True Self

True self is Alley’s higher self, unhindered as a soul without trauma and tapped into her body and guidance system.



Inner Child

Inner child seeks connection, attunement, and to feel like she matters again.


Dissociation is a maladaptive yet life-saving coping mechanism through “exiting the body” and separating mental processes when we feel unsafe due to fear, triggers, emotional flashbacks, being disempowered, or experiencing sensory overload.



Despair was born from abandonment as well as the traumatic death of a sacred friend.


Frozen collapses when overwhelmed with bodily fear or emotions that drift into terror and will not turn off. Alley has fainted twice. One time it was due to anxiety and not breathing enough. The time other was due to fear. Typically the freeze comes on slower in anywhere from 30 seconds to 15 minutes, and sleeping resets her body. Often Alley will not feel the emotions to be triggered by an event until hours later or even the next day, such as in the case of therapy. It seems she must assume a safe and normal face and not allow herself to feel in the moment either due to fear or sensory processing overload.



Inner Wisdom

Inner Wisdom brings guidance from the heart and from generations before. She receives knowledge directly from her higher self and all that is. Source energy flows through her rapidly. She is patient, comforting, and always positive. She tends to not show up around the therapist due to Alley being in a student role with her other parts.


The artist loves animation, storytelling, and showing her talents with the world. She feels shame that she hasn’t developed her family talent of painting, especially when she sees how much she hasn’t grown.



Troubled Teen

Troubled teen copes with the overwhelming pain with harmless mischief.

Rock Star

Rock Star is outgoing, loving, and loves to be on stage. She became a shadow when Alley left this dream behind her.




Anxiety was created when Alley listened to negative opinions of herself and put her own inner belief and confidence into the hands of others.


Overeater feels emotional emptiness, including disconnected from herself and others. She eats to fill a void.




Shame was born from not feeling accepted for who she wanted to be.


Invisible feels unimportant because she felt as though her needs might possibly never get met.




Innocence has a big imagination, a glowing heart, and love for all. She remembers often the love and freedom she felt as a child and wishes for everyone to experience this.


Scholar loves research and tries to keep her sources valid. She finds comfort in learning facts to help propel her knowledge forward.




Poor lady is unable to feel deserving of a good life. She so desperately wants to be herself and be accepted for it.

Scared of Doctors

Scared of doctors came from bad experiences as an adult and child with doctors. They always tried to force their ways upon her instead of being trauma-informed.




Superhero knows she can conquer anything she can put her mind to. She has an inner belief in herself.

Internalized Anger 1

This anger is the voice of all those who have criticized, judged, shamed, belittled, or betrayed Alley.




Adventurer loves to spend time in the wilderness and investigate the natural and ancient wonders of the earth.

Empty Nest

Empty Nest regrets not having a child of her own.




Neglect disconnects from people easily and unintentionally, often feeling an inner anger and despair. She feels unlovable and unworthy. Her emotions are strong and not able to be understood. She craves attunement, touch, safety and a trusted, loving caregiver.

Corporate Girl

Corporate girl is a “can do” lady who triumphs in the business world. She knows the vision and directs the team through compassion and wisdom towards goals that are achieved again and again. She is traumatized when those she has worked hard for betray and abandon her repeatedly.



Internalized Anger 2

This anger comes from reflecting the anger of others surrounding her at times.