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Elevate Your Life: Achieve Success by Applying Positive Inspirational Affirmations



Elevate Your Life The activation of daily affirmations is the practice of acquiring the prosperity you seek and joy that you deserve. They are the external stimuli that inspire your emotions, influencing your mental capacities to motivate your actions. They aid you in revisiting your heartfelt dreams and assist you in visualizing yourself as the powerful, self-confident person you are meant to be. Any shortcomings you feel you possess, any weakness you would like to strengthen, or any character flaw you believe needs to be corrected can be transformed by these affirmations into the new and improved you.


Positive people attract positive things, while negative people only attract the things they fear or dislike most. The wonderful thing about your mind is its immense power. No bad habit exists that can’t be changed to something virtuous.

Change is the key word here. Bad habits don’t just vanish into thin air. They have to be replaced. For example, overcoming an addiction isn’t achieved by trying to quit your frustrating habit. Instead, it is accomplished by focusing your mind on the new intent, so the mental-energy reprogramming can activate the emotional aspects to attract the new prosperous circumstances into your environment that will help you achieve the change required to replace your addiction.

Since the profound power of faith is your most intense emotion you can amplify and enhance your affirmations by combining them with your spiritual practice. By internalizing the impactful significance of these positive thoughts, you will extract the goodness that resides within you and draw in the abundance around you that lies waiting to be tapped.

When you apply these dynamic daily affirmations you will be targeting the fearful, limited, lesser you, and adjusting your mental concepts and emotions to create the empowered you. These compelling thoughts will transform into noble and valuable life habits that will release you from the pain of your physical existence, instill you with courage, give you a sense of self-worth, and allow you the strength to procure the prosperity and blessings you have always sought.

Don’t be afraid to test the limits of your life. By activating these daily affirmations, soon you will discover that there aren’t any.

About the Author

As a pastoral counseling psychologist, Juna Jinsei Ph.D. has worked with many victims of trauma. She learned that by having those she counseled apply positive affirmations on a daily basis, allowed them to impress new habits and behaviors on their psyche that enabled them to see things in a new perspective, gain a positive attitude, and eventually turn their lives around. She has written Elevate Your Life as a tool to aid others in need so they may successfully achieve their self-transformation and acquire the things they desire most in their lives.

A Word from the Author

“Whether you are communicating verbally, internally, or in your dreams, what you continuously repeat to yourself and others will eventually form habitual patterns in your thoughts and actions. This is why it is extremely important to keep your words as uplifting and positive as possible when thinking or speaking. By exercising your mind with inspirational affirmations on a daily basis, you can commence to carve out a better existence from the elevated behavior you create, positive automatic responses you have, and conscience awareness you demonstrate, which will turn your good intentions into the wonderful benefits you aspire toward, while manifesting a multitude of opportunities laced with good fortune.”

Author: Jinsei, Juna

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1432779907
Language: English
Pages: 416

Additional information

Weight 1.28 lbs
Dimensions 9.21 × 6.14 × 0.85 in


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