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Overcoming the Emotional Trauma of Divorce: With God as Your Guide


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In Overcoming the Emotional Trauma of Divorce with God as Your Guide, author Gwendolyn Carlton-Haynes shares the emotional trauma she experienced during her own divorce to help others confront the challenges involved in the divorce process. Her debut work addresses a gamut of negative emotions one is likely to feel before, during, and after a divorce, and provides coping techniques based on biblical principles to assist readers in releasing their emotional baggage so that they can live their lives in a more positive manner. This volume that offers an abundance of sound, practical advice that is easy to follow and will produce real results. By the time that you finish reading this empowering, inspirational guide, you will have learned: – how the presence of God in your life is the key to overcoming adversity, – how to respect the free-will decisions of others, and – that you have the power to release yourself from harboring negative feelings by embracing this time of change in your life as an opportunity for growth. Gwendolyn delivers her advice on these topics in a highly organized yet approachable format that reinforces the encouraging messages she sends. The chapters each start with a biblical reference that Carlton-Haynes extracts and discusses learning points that relate to the unique challenges of divorce. She then summarizes the lesson at the end of the chapter, emphasizing what readers should take away from the lesson and explaining the emotional benefit they will achieve if they follow her carefully crafted suggestions. For both its value as a how-to guide and its worth as a spiritual reference, Overcoming the Emotional Trauma of Divorce with God as Your Guide stands out on the shelf as an essential tool for anyone who wants to let go of the pain, disappointment, and anger associated with divorce and once and for all move on with their life.

Author: Carlton-Haynes, Gwendolyn

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 615854036
Language: English
Pages: 146

Additional information

Weight 0.33 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 0.31 in


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