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Studies in Perception and Action XI: Sixteenth International Conference on Perception and Action



This volume is the 11th in the Studies in Perception and Action series and contains research presented at the 16th International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA) meeting in the summer of 2011.

ICPA provides a forum for presenting new data, theory, and methodological developments relevant to the ecological approach to perception and action. The forty-nine papers presented in this volume are divided into five Parts and represent the latest developments in ecological psychology research from four continents. In many instances, the contributions to Studies volumes reflect the first appearance of new ideas in a scientific venue. As a result, this book contains the most recent and cutting-edge research in perception and action.

This volume will appeal to individuals who follow the research literature in ecological psychology, as well as those interested in perception, perceptual development, human movement dynamics, social processes, and human factors.

Editor: Charles, Eric P, Editor: Smart, L James

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1848729766
Language: English
Pages: 275

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs


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