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Love Pearls: Guidance for a Lifestyle of Wholeness and Personal Freedom


SKU: INR-9781720979838 Category: Tags: , , , ,


How do you change your path? Stop training yourself to cry about it! (Spoiler Alert) Relationship experts Love Jordan & D. Truth Jordan have created this instructional journey to get us to a place of healing where the burdens of our past will finally be a non-factor. They teach us how to become one with the universe, to have that unexplainable peace that we all desire. When we are bound by our past we can’t soar into our future. I encourage you to read this book with an expectation that when you reach the final page your life will be changed forever because I know mine has….. Cynthia Walker

Author: Jordan, D Truth, Illustrator: Photography, London Howard, Editor: Penn Sr, Avery L

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1720979839
Language: English
Pages: 92

Additional information

Weight 0.32 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.22 in


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