Acquiring Competency and Achieving Proficiency with Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Volume 1: The Clinician’s Guidebook
Acquiring Competency and Achieving Profiency with Dialectical Behavior Therapy Volume 1: The Clinician’s Guidebook book is designed to teach and assist you in increasing your proficiency in using Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is a model that was created by Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., at the University of Washington. DBT has been supported in numerous research studies to be effective with high-need, challenging clients such as Borderline Personality Disorders. It is also helpful when treating other personality disorders, significant depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, addictions, and dual diagnosis difficulties. It is effective when treating both youth and adult clients. While it is useful with severe pathology, it is also a strengths-based model that fosters healthy development, increased life satisfaction, and optimal level of functioning. This book explains DBT in a clear and easily understandable manner.
Author: Moonshine, Cathy
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 979021847
Language: English
Pages: 241
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