Adderall Blues
Adderall Blues is a catalyst for change in the educational system. This first person account of ADHD is among the only books to offer a non-clinical perspective of ADHD where we can all understand on a deeper level the blessing and the curse that is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Seen through the eyes of one of literatures’ most outlandish characters, a greater connection with those afflicted with the pathologically wondering mind society loves to label is felt and processed from an altogether different perceptive.
Observe as our main character trips over himself endlessly while succeeding uniquely in his own fashion. Does Brian conquer his supposed “disorder,” and transcend the label, or fall into the self-esteem trap that so many others have succumbed to? Prepare to be entertained and most importantly, enlightened.
Author: Robinson, Brian J
Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1633934314
Language: English
Pages: 154
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