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Adulthood and Aging



In this volume distinguished scholars explore and apply the theoretical models of continuity and discontinuity to their research in adult development. The chapters address the different ways in which continuity is affected by change over the life course, as well as how individuals negotiate and maintain crucial continuities by adaptive change. Topics include adult life crises, illness, sibling relationships, and gender identity. Each chapter is followed by an insightful commentary. This book is a tribute to Bernice L. Neugarten for her contributions to the field of adult development, which includes the concept of continuities.
Contributors include W. Andrew Achenbaum, Robert H. Binstock, James Birren, Bertram J. Cohler, Margaret Hellie Huyck, Boaz Kahana, Eva Kahana, Sheldon S. Tobin, Lillian E. Troll, Steven H. Zarit, and others.

Editor: Bengtson, Vern L

Topic: Consumer Health
Media: Book
ISBN: 082619270X
Language: English
Pages: 416