Advances in Child Neuropsychology (Softcover Reprint of the Original 1st 1992)
The field of child neuropsychology is still young. It has no obvious birth- date. Hence, we cannot determine its age with the type of chronometric precision for which our scientific hearts may yearn. Nevertheless, one landmark to which we might point in this connection is that the first systematic textbook to appear in this area (i. e., Rourke, Bakker, Fisk, & Strang, 1983) is not yet 10 years old. Be that as it may, activity in the field has been growing steadily, if not by leaps and bounds. Although there is nowhere near the intensity of investigation of children from a neuro- psychological standpoint as there is of adults, there have been notable systematic investigations of considerable interest. Some of the more im- portant of these are presented in the current volume. Intended to provide authoritative reviews of important substantive areas of child neuropsychology, this series begins with a volume that contains just that: reviews of areas as diverse as auditory evoked re- sponses in newborns and the behavioral effects of head trauma in children. Methodological issues, also deemed important by the Editors, are dis- cussed in most of the chapters contained herein. Furthermore, the ex- emplary lines of programmatic research or application in the field that are deemed to fall within the purview of this series are also represented in this volume.
Author: Tramontana, Michael G, Author: Hooper, Stephen R
Topic: Medical / Nursing
Media: Book
ISBN: 1461391474
Language: English
Pages: 239
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