Arguments, Aggression, and Conflict: New Directions in Theory and Research
Arguments, Aggression, and Conflict provides a thorough examination of argumentative and aggressive communication. Editors Theodore A. Avtgis and Andrew S. Rancer bring together a score of prolific and informed authors to discuss aspects of the conceptualization and measurement of aggressive communication. The book features an exclusive focus on two “aggressive communication” traits: argumentativeness and verbal aggressiveness, one of the most dominant areas of communication research over the last twenty five years both nationally and internationally. The chapters include cutting-edge issues in the field and present new ideas for future research.
This book is a valuable resource for instructors, researchers, scholars, theorists, and graduate students in communication studies and social psychology. Covering a variety of topics, from the broad-based (e.g. new directions in aggressive communication in the organizational context) to the more specific (e.g. verbal aggression in sports), this text presents a comprehensive compilation of essays on aggressive communication and conflict.
Editor: Avtgis, Theodore, Editor: Rancer, Andrew S
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 415996392
Language: English
Pages: 448
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