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Basics of Nemonik Mindpower


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This is a crucial shortcut to a significant increase in your mindpower. You only have to memorize seventeen simple keywords called nemoniks that describe the mind, reality, and their interaction. Although simple, those nemoniks create a butterfly effect that will keep improving your mind forever. Without effort, they will accelerate your thinking, improve your memory, mobilize your hidden genius, turn your weaknesses into strengths, reveal opportunities and threats, and prepare you for emergencies. Pursue your goals in the right frame of mind. Nemonik thinking will make you the best thinker you can be. Free PDF copies @ http: //

Author: Schade, Dr Auke Jacominus

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 473416336
Language: English
Pages: 108

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.22 in


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