Berenstain Bears What Would A Friend Do? Board Game
100 in stock
- Help children understand how people behave toward one another in a variety of situations
This game has no winner, so children can learn without the weight of competition
Includes game board, 8 pawns, die, 12 picnic cards, 60 friendship cards, plus instructions
For 2-8 players
Ages: 6-12
Berenstain Bears What Would A Friend Do? In this game the players all have the same goal, to follow the path to the center of the forest where Brother Bear and Sister Bear are waiting to go on a picnic. But along the way, each child must answer questions about how friends would behave toward one another in a variety of situations by answering multiple choice questions, acting out their answers, or giving examples from real life. Players also gather Picnic cards by passing random spaces – at these times players are asked various questions about what they would bring on a picnic, what they would do, who they would invite, etc. In ad
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