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Body Language Explained: How to Master the Power of the Unconscious



Body Language Explained

Prepare yourself. You are about to learn invaluable strategies for improving your life TODAY. Did you know that 93% of what we say isn’t actually said? That nonverbal communication and the language of the body are indispensable to healthy, happy living?

Whether trying to grasp body language basics, unlock body language secrets, or harness the power of the subconscious mind, nonverbal communication has the power to change your life forever.

Without a firm understanding of nonverbal cues, we will never achieve optimal success. Instead, we’ll slink through life unsure and unimpressive, never reaching our full potential and never knowing what could have been.

Is that what you want?

Body Language Explained: How to Master the Power of the Unconscious (A Preview):

Know Your Body: Why the Language You Speak is Rarely Spoken

Culture Clash: Body Language Differences Across the World

Decoding Deception: How to Identify a Liar

The Science of ‘Swagger’: How to Master Self-Confidence and Influence Others through Body Language

The Dangerous Game of Sexual Manipulation

The Body of Work

Tags: nonverbal communication, body language attraction, language of the body, nonverbal cues, body language secrets, body language basics, subconscious mind

Author: Murray, C K

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1502574667
Language: English
Pages: 74