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Bpd in Their Own Words: A Non’s Guide


SKU: INR-9781517451844 Categories: , Tags: , ,


Borderline Personality Disorder can put anyone through hell – the sufferer, the family, the significant other. If you are or have been in a relationship with a borderline, you know exactly what we’re talking about. However, the process of understanding the confusing push-pull dynamic can be daunting. This book collects the most common sayings from people with BPD and subjects them to rigorous analysis, illustrating the manipulative patterns underlying their behavior. Understanding the underlying currents underneath the guilt tripping and projection and many other techniques will be a valuable skill in your coping ability as well as a road map to healthier relationships in the future.

Author: Lard, Felicity

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1517451841
Language: English
Pages: 90