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C.G. Jung’s Wisdom for Our Time


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C.G. Jung died more than 50 years ago. The thesis of this book is that he is still relevant to our 21st-century world, and his wisdom can be a valuable guide as we navigate the cultural, ecological, technological, social, political and economic challenges we are facing these days. Jung may be better known as a psychiatrist, depth psychologist, father of the New Age, founder of analytical psychology and of the Jung Institute, but he was also an insightful observer of the global scene, and his keen intuition allowed him to spot trends and problems long before most others got wise to them.

Author: Mehrtens Ph D, Susan E

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1530146232
Language: English
Pages: 206

Additional information

Weight 0.68 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.47 in


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