CBT Worksheets for Panic Attacks: CBT Worksheets for CBT Therapists in Training: Formulation Worksheets, Padesky Hot Cross Bun Worksheets, Thoughts Re
If you are a CBT therapist or a CBT therapist in training you are welcome to photocopy any part of this book for clients. We have made the paper colour and size ideal for photocopying. We wrote this book because we found that many of our clients found it very difficult to remember topics discussed in their sessions. Over time, we found that using specifically tailored worksheets resulted in therapy becoming more streamlined and efficient. Everything included in this book is information that we use in the real world of clinical practice. Chapters in the middle of this book have been written to assist you with the development of psychological formulations. The rule sheets, we have included (see pages 78 and 78) are a rapid way of finding out what rules your clients hold. Once rules are identified it is then relatively easy to isolate beliefs and behaviours connected to them. This will lead to the development of longitudinal formulations which can be very helpful to you and your clients. This in turn will help you to write case studies and process reports. We have written this book to be easy to read rather than to impress you with complex vocabulary. Where possible we have included explanations for anything that could be viewed as jargon. Ideally, if you are just starting out in your clinical career this book will tell you most of the things that you need to know about panic attacks.
Author: Manning, Dr James, Author: Ridgeway, Dr Nicola
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1535558865
Language: English
Pages: 162
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