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Depressive Rumination: Nature, Theory and Treatment



Rumination (recyclic negative thinking), is now recognised asimportant in the development, maintenance and relapse of recurrenceof depression. For instance, rumination has been found to elevate, perpetuate and exacerbate depressed mood, predict future episodesof depression, and delay recovery during cognitive therapy.

Cognitive therapy is one of the most effective treatments fordepression. However, depressive relapse and recurrence followingcognitive therapy continue to be a significant problem. Anunderstanding of the psychological processes which contribute torelapse and recurrence may guide the development of more effectiveinterventions.

This is a major contribution to the study and treatment ofdepression which reviews a large body of research on rumination andcognitive processes, in depression and related disorders, with afocus on the implications of this knowledge for treatment andclinical management of these disorders.

* First book on rumination in depressive and emotional disorders
* Contributors are the leaders in the field
* First editor is a rising researcher and clinician with specialistinterest in depression, and second editor is world renowned for hiswork on cognitive therapy of emotional disorders

Editor: Papageorgiou, Costas, Editor: Wells, Adrian

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 471486922
Language: English
Pages: 296