Developing Schoolwide Programs to Prevent and Manage Problem Behaviors: A Step-By-Step Approach
Packed with hands-on tools and grounded in the latest research, this important resource provides guidelines for designing, implementing, and evaluating a schoolwide primary prevention program. The authors’ team-based, school-tested approach includes behavioral, academic, and social components that can be tailored to address any school’s needs. Each chapter presents real-world examples alongside essential information about how to prevent the development of antisocial behavior in grades K-12. Special features include sample forms and checklists for use in planning, staff training, screening and assessment, positive behavior support, and progress monitoring. The book also offers general guidelines for identifying and supporting students who require more intensive intervention.
Author: Lane, Kathleen Lynne, Author: Kalberg, Jemma Robertson, Author: Menzies, Holly Mariah
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1606230328
Language: English
Pages: 196
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