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Dissociation in Children and Adolescents: A Developmental Perspective



From amnesia, intrusive memories, and depersonalization, to auditory hallucinations, trance-like states, and disturbances in identity, the symptoms of pathological dissociation are among the most devastating effects of childhood maltreatment. How can childhood-onset dissociative disorders best be understood? What is the role of dissociation in the variety of psychiatric problems resulting from abuse? And how can therapists most effectively intervene with dissociative children and adolescents? Drawing upon a vast body of data and theory, this important volume provides a comprehensive developmental approach to understanding, diagnosing, and treating this challenging clinical population. Clearly organized and filled with valuable insights for clinicians and students, the book describes an array of diagnostic and treatment techniques and includes reproducible copies of three validated dissociation scales.

Author: Putnam, Frank W

Topic: Medical / Nursing
Media: Book
ISBN: 1572302194
Language: English
Pages: 423