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Divorce Casualties: Keeping Your Children Close While You’re Breaking Apart



Some parents consciously, blatantly, and even maliciously denigrate their ex-spouse through negative comments and actions. Others simply sigh or tense up at the mention of the targeted parent, causing guilt and anxiety in the children. The result is a child full of hate, fear, and rejection toward an unknowing and often undeserving parent. Exploring issues such as secrecy, spying, false accusations, threats and discipline, Divorce Casualties recognizes the often subtle causes of alienation, teaching you to prevent or minimize its damaging effects on your children. Dr. Darnall’s practical techniques for understanding the effects of alienation, including characteristics of alienators, symptoms of alienators, a self-report inventory and exercises, and real-life examples, will help even the most well-intentioned of parents renew their commitment to helping their child maintain a healthy, happy relationship with both parents.

Author: Darnall, Douglas

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1589793765
Language: English
Pages: 288

Additional information

Weight 0.98 lbs
Dimensions 8.92 × 6 × 0.88 in


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