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Dream Psychology


SKU: INR-9781539303848 Category: Tags: , ,


The Interpretation of Dreams is a book by Sigmund Freud. The first edition was first published in German in November 1899 as Die Traumdeutung (though post-dated as 1900 by the publisher). The publication inaugurated the theory of Freudian dream analysis, which activity Freud famously described as “the royal road to the understanding of unconscious mental processes.” Sigmund Freud (born Sigismund Schlomo Freud) May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939; was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who co-founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind, especially involving the mechanism of repression; his redefinition of sexual desire as mobile and directed towards a wide variety of objects; and his therapeutic techniques, especially his understanding of transference in the therapeutic relationship and the presumed value of dreams as sources of insight into unconscious desires. He is commonly referred to as “the father of psychoanalysis” and his work has been highly influential–popularizing such notions as the unconscious, defense mechanisms, Freudian slips and dream symbolism – while also making a long-lasting impact on fields as diverse as literature (Kafka), film, Marxist and feminist theories, literary criticism, philosophy, and psychology. However, his theories remain controversial and widely disputed. Source: Wikipedia

Author: Freud, Sigmund

Topic: Fiction – General
Media: Book
ISBN: 1539303845
Language: English
Pages: 142

Additional information

Weight 0.44 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 0.3 in


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