Drug and Alcohol Use: Issues and Factors (1989)
This book is the outcome of the First International Congress on Drugs and Alcohol to be held in Israel. Both the conference and this volume grew out of the need to overcome the specious man-made barriers which continue to separate intervention plans and efforts in the broad field of substance use and misuse. This need demands that all of us become aware not only of the differences which may separate our concerns, but also of the similarities in our goals and endeavors. We are obligated to draw together toward a common effort for the common good. The conference was designed to facilitate the exploration ot generic ssues. This volume is designed to document a variety of factors which are basic to the defining, selection, planning, implementation, and evaluation of substance use and misuse intervention. This book is not a traditional proceedings volume. Because the needs of a listening audience are quite different from those of the solitary reader, and the roles of a workshop or plenary session participant are also dissimilar from those of the reader, not all of the Congress presentations are included, and the articles that are included have undergone major revi- sions. Current intervention needs and options demand a broad spectrum of clearly defined roles for all who are or should be involved. Hence these issues, among others, served as guidelines in the preparation of the revised articles.
Author: Einstein, Stanley
Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 306413787
Language: English
Pages: 386
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