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Dynamics of Expendability: A Study of the Abbreviation of Man



Human expendability deals with all levels of the social system and shapes our lives. Braginsky presents its genesis, pathways through social systems, and geopolitical effects from both macro and micro points of view in this unique work. Contents: A Model of Expendability; Expendability and Mediocrity; Expendability and Paranoia; Expendability and Social Class; The De-educative Classroom; The Expendable Family; Expendability, Hypocrisy and Sanctification; Impression Management and Attempts to Reduce Surplus Value; Expendability and the Economics of Meaning; The Willy Loman Syndrome; Expendability and Its Recognition; Expendability and the Quality of Commodities; The Meaning of Indifference; The Model and Its Dynamics; The Manufacture of Indifference; Expendability and the Dynamic of Theocracies; Expendability and the Theocracy of “IT”; Next to an Inch WE are all Lies; Inch and Justice; War and Expendability: The Grand Stimuli; Expendability, Imagining and Fanaticism; Bibliography.

Author: Braginsky, Benjamin

Topic: Sociology
Media: Book
ISBN: 819198048
Language: English
Pages: 124