Dyslexic Brain: New Pathways in Neuroscience Discovery
The Dyslexic Brain: New Pathways in Neuroscience Discovery offers a state-of-the art examination of the neural components and functions involved in reading and in the possible sources of breakdown. Suggestions for intervention are introduced throughout the book.
The book is based on presentations at a summer 2004 symposium, which was part of an ongoing symposia series titled, “The Extraordinary Brain,” convened by The Dyslexia Foundation. The participants are top scholars in the multidisciplinary research programs related to the neuroscience of brain development in general and reading disorders in specific.
The Dyslexic Brain: New Pathways in Neuroscience Discovery will be important to researchers and scholars interested in dyslexia, as well as those interested in issues involving the cognitive consequences of unusual brain development. Graduate students looking at reading and reading disorders in schools of education and communication disorders will also find substantial new information.
Editor: Rosen, Glenn D
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 080585889X
Language: English
Pages: 365
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