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E-Word: Ego, Enlightenment & Other Essentials



“An excellent and entertaining look at the issues, challenges, and resolutions that come with the territory of awakening.” –Gary Renard, bestselling author of The Disappearance of the Universe trilogy

A book of liberation and ecstasy, The E-Word lucidly explains how the ego is created, how it thinks, and how its limited mind-set can be expanded–not inflated–into a joyous transpersonal perspective that eradicates feelings of isolation, fear, and insecurity in your life.

Through stories, practices, and a masterful detangling of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the Matrix, and quantum physics, The E-Word strips the ego bare and liberates the soul in highly entertaining, relatable ways, revealing how even self-improvement techniques can chase away the very fulfillment and wisdom we seek. Montana further reveals how the ego co-opts spirituality, dangling enlightenment in front of us as a prize.

Stuffed with electrifying insights and transformative meditations and exercises, The E-Word is the ultimate how-to guide for discovering the “real you” within.

Author: Montana, Cate

Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 150112353X
Language: English
Pages: 240