Early Prediction and Prevention of Child Abuse: A Handbook
This comprehensive handbook is a thoroughly up-to-date referencefor all those involved in child protection work and is based on thehighly successful Early Prediction and Prevention of Child Abusefirst published in 1988.
With a focus on evidence based practice, the handbook has foursections: Prevalence and Prediction; Primary and SecondaryPrevention; Helping Victims and Helping Offenders.
The contributors have been selected from both practitioner andresearch backgrounds and all are experts in their fields. Asessential purchase for professionals in any work related to childprotection and to students and trainees in a range of disciplinesincluding social work; psychiatry; psychology; paediatrics; nursingand health.
* An updated and expanded edition of Early Prevention of ChildAbuse, which is considered a key text in the field
* Highly qualified and respected contributors
* Contains information on offenders as well as victims, thusoffering an important new dimension
Editor: Browne, Kevin D, Editor: Hanks, Helga, Editor: Stratton, Peter, Editor: Hamilton-Giachritsis, Catherine
Topic: Sociology
Media: Book
ISBN: 471491225
Language: English
Pages: 382
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