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Educational Neuroscience: Initiatives and Emerging Issues



Educational Neuroscience provides an overview of the wide range of recent initiatives in educational neuroscience, examining a variety of methodological concerns, issues, and directions.

  • Encourages interdisciplinary perspectives in educational neuroscience
  • Contributions from leading researchers examine key issues relating to educational neuroscience and mind, brain, and education more generally
  • Promotes a theoretical and empirical base for the subject area
  • Explores a range of methods available to researchers
  • Identifies agencies, organizations, and associations facilitating development in the field
  • Reveals a variety of on-going efforts to establish theories, models, methods, ethics, and a common language

Editor: Patten, Kathryn E, Editor: Campbell, Stephen R

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1444339850
Language: English
Pages: 108