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Encyclopedia of School Psychology (2004)



School psychologists are on the front lines in dealing with the most significant challenges facing children and the educational community today. And in a world of ever-increasing risks and obstacles for students, school psychologists must be able to use their in-depth psychological and educational training to work effectively with students, parents, teachers, administrators, and other mental health professionals to help create safe learning environments.
By recognizing each individual student’s unique circumstances and personality, school psychologists are able to offer specialized services to address such crucial children’s issues as: family troubles (e.g., divorce, death); school assignments; depression; anger management; substance abuse; study skills; learning disabilities; sexuality; and self-discipline.
The Encyclopedia of School Psychology provides school psychologists and other educational and mental health professionals with a thorough understanding of the most current theories, research, and practices in this critical area. In addition, the Encyclopedia offers the most up-to-date information on important issues from assessment to intervention to prevention techniques.

Editor: Watson, T Stuart, Editor: Skinner, Christopher H

Topic: Gardening / Horticulture
Media: Book
ISBN: 306484803
Language: English
Pages: 392