Engagement in Practice: Theory and Practice for Successful Engagement
Engagement and participation are concepts and practices which have been advanced and supported by governments of different political persuasions, thus signaling how much engagement matters. Engagement is just as important for organizations (voluntary, community, not-for-profit, or private) as it is for various types of public services and various levels of government. It should be a transformative way of working, developing insights and deepening relationships between communities. However, sometimes it can lead people – particularly those who are already disempowered – to feel further excluded, unheard, or betrayed. This book urges readers to reflect critically on how engagement in practice can involve making informed ethical decisions, being appreciative of others, and being aware of the impacts of what is done to either reinforce or challenge the existing status quo. The book will be valuable for anyone who is commissioning, orchestrating, evaluating, or researching engagement in: a) public services, including governments and councils, public health care, education, social services, etc.; b) voluntary, non-profit, and private organizations; and c) academic and research facilities.
Author: Squirrell, Gillian
Topic: Sociology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1905541759
Language: English
Pages: 160
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