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Essential Oils for Healing


SKU: INR-9781499371635 Category: Tags: , , , ,


Essential oils are derived from plants and flowers. You can get a lot of medical benefits from essential oils. Essential oils can help you recover from diseases such as infections, burns, swelling, arthritis, and many more. This book will open your eyes to the wonders that essential oils bestow. This book covers the following topics: 1. What are essential oils and how are they beneficial? 2. The prominence of essential oils in the history of countries 3. Common facts about essential oils 4. How essential oil is distilled from plants and flowers? 5. The 9 types of essential oils, their benefits, application procedure, and precautions 6. How safe are essentials to use 7. Factors to be aware about when using these oils 8. Emergency procedures 9. How To Properly Test them On Your Skin Scroll Up and Grab Your Copy Now

Author: Selon, Dana

Topic: Consumer Health
Media: Book
ISBN: 1499371632
Language: English
Pages: 58

Additional information

Weight 0.35 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.12 in


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