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Family-Institution Interaction: New Refrains



One hallmark of social science is to discover how parts of a social system – such as families and other institutions – fit together; the accounts of such being marked as a promising direction for the acquisition of knowledge of social phenomena including family-institution interaction. Family-Institution Interaction: New Refrains describes the results of decades of efforts in assessing cognitive and social behaviors associated with the long-term success of infants’, toddlers’, and preschoolers’ learning and development. A collection of lessons learned about language and interaction from studies across family and public organizational settings is presented as a strategy for drawing these areas of study together, thereby providing a base for practitioners, researchers, family members, and policy makers to develop new ways to think about the interaction of upbringing functions across family and public institutions.

Author: Wallat, Cynthia

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 820458309
Language: English
Pages: 131