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Frenzied Mind: Clarifying the Science Behind Addictive Disorders



There is no area of medicine more infused with misinformation than addiction medicine. This was the conclusion of a 2012 report out of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University and the conclusion of this book’s author. The vast inaccuracies will be untangled so you the reader can have a much better understanding of the abstract concept of addiction. Much is clarified in this book, including: the scope of intoxication throughout the animal kingdom, the history of drug use and addiction within humans, why possessing drugs became a crime in the United States and the consequences thereafter, the evolving definitions and diagnosis criteria, along with the theories of what causes someone to become addicted. The significant developments over the last 75 years will be explained from the fields of psychology and neuroscience. Written in an easy to follow manner, this book requires no previous knowledge on addictive disorders and you the reader will be left with a superior understanding of this misunderstood brain disorder.

Author: Dwyer-Clonts, Michael

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1515136418
Language: English
Pages: 222

Additional information

Weight 0.73 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.51 in


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