Gestalt Therapy: An Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt Therapy is primarily an introductory textbook. It offers a clear and sober presentation of the values, theories, method, and techniques of gestalt therapy. In addition, it describes the various applications of gestalt therapy and the associated ethical and practical conditions. Originally, gestalt therapy was developed as a therapy of neurosis, but although its basic concepts remain the same, gestalt therapy has been expanded and refined in both theory and practice, and today it constitutes a modern form of psychotherapy suitable as both a form of developmental therapy and a treatment for a wide range of client categories with many different mental disorders. The book discusses the impact of the U.S. origins of gestalt therapy and underlines the importance of a high degree of sensitivity to cultural aspects as gestalt therapy spreads throughout the world. It is crucial that gestalt therapists consider the culture and the social conditions which form the context for their practice of gestalt therapy. Gestalt Therapy is aimed at gestalt therapy students, psychologists, students of psychology, and health professionals.
Author: Hostrup, Hanne
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 8763536579
Language: English
Pages: 271
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