Handbook of Sport Neuropsychology
…both the perspective and the scope of this volume are well conceived and executed. This book provides an important platform for developing expertise in a fascinating and growing field. It is required reading from my students.–Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
The book will provide an excellent reference for health care providers in the area of concussion management and the increased emphasis on the incorporation of neurocognitive testing and the role of neuropsychologists. This is information that needs to out in the Sports Medicine arena as to how to incorporate neuropsychologists in the Sports Medicine team.
–Steven L. Cole, ATC
Associate Athletic Director, Internal Operations
College of William and Mary
Dr. Webbe has used his vast knowledge and experience in the field of sports neuropsychology to create a superb road map, which provides important information and direction for the study of sports concussion. This handbook reflects his skill in attracting some of the world’s leaders in sports neuropsychology as chapter authors, and his ability to organize and integrate their unique funds of knowledge.
From the Foreword by Jeffrey T. Barth, PhD
University of Virginia School of Medicine
An estimated 300,000 sport-related concussions occur every year in the United States, many of which lead to short- or long-term impairment or even sudden death. Frank Webbe, one of the foremost leaders in the field, has compiled the most up-to-date, comprehensive volume on sport neuropsychology currently available. It presents, through the contributions of leading practitioners in the field, an exhaustive study of sport-related concussions and the multitude of management and treatment issues that arise from them.
The handbook is structured within a conceptual framework, which includes an overview of the field, ethical considerations, risk factors and mechanisms, diagnosis and assessment, and counseling and rehabilitation principles. It integrates research findings from a wide variety of professional and amateur sports, including football, hockey, boxing, wrestling, and others. The book also addresses collateral effects of mild and traumatic head injury such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. Synthesizing all the diverse facets of the burgeoning field of sport neuropsychology, this clear and concise volume will serve as a springboard for research yet to be realized.
Key features:
- Integrates knowledge from sports and exercise science with neuropsychology
- Includes the latest research on the role of neuroimaging and electrophysical approaches to understanding concussion
- Clarifies the professional training and ethical behavior of a sport neuropsychologist
- Highlights the emotional components of concussion
- Discusses the acute and chronic effects of repeated head trauma
Editor: Webbe, Frank
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 826115713
Language: English
Pages: 406
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