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Healing Your Wounded Spirit: A Guide to Fighting the Battle of Grief After Divorce, Death of a Loved-One or a Broken Friendship



#1 Best Seller! The loss of a love is a nearly universal emotional crisis, whether the end is divorce, desertion of a friendship, death of a loved one or a mutually agreed-upon separation. At first, friends and family are there to offer a shoulder to cry on, but after a few months there’s an expectation that we just need to get over the crisis and move on. Thus, unprocessed grief and painful feelings are buried, leaving us numb. Our life doesn’t have to be like that. Healing Your Wounded Spirit gives us a guide — and journal pages on which to respond — to help move us forward with our new normal. This book offers the steps and tips we all need to heal when our hearts are broken from loss. Cherie Rickard walks readers of every emotional level through the steps to becoming emotionally and spiritually free from wounds. This book delivers invaluable information and essential practices for recovery. More than you currently realize or give yourself credit for. As you read through Healing Your Wound Spirit, you will start to see just how much goodness you have to contribute to others suffering, as you begin to feel your emotional and spiritual wounds healing.

Author: Rickard, Cherie, Editor: Bovia MS Ed, Kristina

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1503157792
Language: English
Pages: 110

Additional information

Weight 0.35 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 0.23 in


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