Helping Children and Young People Who Self-Harm: An Introduction to Self-Harming and Suicidal Behaviours for Health Professionals
Every year thousands of children and young people attend emergency departments with problems resulting from self-harm. More still come to the attention of CAMHS teams, school nurses and other community-based services. Helping Children and Young People who Self-harm provides clear and practical guidance for health professionals and other members of the children’s workforce who are confronted by this complex and difficult area.
Providing accessible evidence-based advice, this textbook looks at:
- what we mean by self-harm and its prevalence
- the legal background
- what works for young people who self-harm
- what children and young people think about self-harm
- assessment and interventions for self-harm
- prevention of self-harm
- service provision and care pathways.
Essential for all those working with children and young people, this textbook contains a glossary of terms, practical strategies and case studies.
Author: McDougall, Tim, Author: Armstrong, Marie, Author: Trainor, Gemma
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 415499143
Language: English
Pages: 251
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