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Honeymooners Forever: Twelve Step Marriage Survival Guide



Are you having marriage problems? Have you stopped connecting with your partner? Are you unhappily married? Do you want more intimacy with your partner? Do you have a low sex drive? Do you want more romance and passion in your marriage? Suspicious your partner is having an affair? Do you feel like you have no freedom anymore? Are you bored with your partner? Can’t stop fighting? Have you seen a marriage counselor, with no change? Do you want to be like ‘honeymooners’ again? Well, fear no more. Follow the simple steps to experience a powerful and positive impact on your marriage and your life. This book is not about trying to change your partner, but all about changing yourself. Once you change-your partner will change. It works like magic. It is not to late to turn your marriage around, back to love. Be happily married again. Bring back the sparkle! Stop the fighting and disconnection. Start dating your partner again. Be Honeymooners Forever, with these twelve easy steps.

Author: Hutchison, Phoebe

Topic: Love / Sex / Marriage
Media: Book
ISBN: 064647233X
Language: English
Pages: 188

Additional information

Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 7.9 × 5.2 × 0.6 in


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