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I Don´t Need You! I´ve Got Myself!: A Psychological Program Towards Emotional Freedom


SKU: INR-9781793476357 Category: Tags: , ,


On our way towards freedom we are all tangling ourselves up in relationships which mean everything else but freedom and that drag us deeper into this swamp of unfreedom. We persuade ourselves that if it would finally work out with a partner, or if the Prince would finally show up, then we would be complete and we could finally be happy.And this is often not because of the Princes, but rather because of us. Because the task we are giving our Prince, we should actually be working on and solving ourselves.On the way to your freedom or your inner happiness you’re heading into absolute unfreedom, and you don’t notice that your happiness is depending on another person and their behaviour.If you are truly willing to work with you, on you and in you, then you should continue reading…..

Translator: Sturm, Sandy, Author: Tolevski, Dipl Psych Sonja

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1793476357
Language: English
Pages: 88

Additional information

Weight 0.31 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.21 in


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