I, the Woman, Planted the Tree: A Journey Through Dreams to the Feminine
An immersion experience for seekers, healers and dreamers, this book is a journey into the dark feminine. This is a real, gut-wrenching and timeless story of woman’s search for the Divine Feminine.
A surprising story of the desperation and final release from seemingly endless depression, this book is for those who have found no relief either in talk therapy, the medical establishment, pharmaceuticals, or conventional religious and cultural institutions. It will appeal to many resting in an uncomfortable church pew or those who have abandoned the pew but suffer with, flashbacks and the longing for communion with All.
No matter what gender, most people are living deep patriarchal consciousness with no awareness of its presence.
“A century ago Sigmund Freud said, ‘Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.’ Carl Jung agreed but was more subtle. ‘The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the psyche.’ Working deeply with dreams, he went on to describe the collective unconscious. Dreams have been noted and found important in every culture on this planet; babies dream; animals dream. Pearl Gregor had a dream in 1988 that changed her life. This is the story of the dreamer and the dreams. Pearl sets aside her skills learned as an educator and administrator to forge a brand new path into the dark forest with the light of dreams to guide her.
This book’s main task is a plummeting within and a thorough examination of the plummeting and rising process. There’s also an invitation to the reader to go on her own journey. This work is a revelation (of immanent and transcendent Being), a psychoanalysis and an extended meditation on being human. Oh, and it’s a memoir.”
-Michael Kenyon, author and poet
Author: Gregor, Pearl E
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 228802296
Language: English
Pages: 326
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