Identity in Adolescence: The Balance Between Self and Other
Fully updated to include the most recent research and theoretical developments in the field, the third edition of Identity in Adolescence examines the two way interaction of individual and social context in the process of identity formation. Setting the developmental tradition in context, Jane Kroger begins by providing a brief overview of the theoretical approaches to adolescent identity formation currently in use. This is followed by a discussion of five developmental models which reflect a range of attempts from the oldest to among the most recent efforts to describe this process and include the work of Erik Erikson, Peter Blos, Lawrence Kohlberg, Jane Loevinger, and Robert Kegan. Although focussing on each theorist in turn, this volume also goes on to compare and integrate the varied theoretical models and research findings and sets out some of the practical implications for social response to adolescents. Different social and cultural conditions and their effect on the identity formation process are also covered as are contemporary contextual, narrative, and postmodern approaches to understanding and researching identity issues.
The book is ideal reading for students of adolescence, identity and developmental psychology.
Author: Kroger, Jane, Editor: Kroger, Jane
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 415281075
Language: English
Pages: 288
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