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Intellectual Disability and Stigma: Stepping Out from the Margins (2016)



This book examines how intellectual disability is affected by stigma and how this stigma has developed. Around two per cent of the world’s population have an intellectual disability but their low visibility in many places bears witness to their continuing exclusion from society. This prejudice has an impact on the family of those with an intellectual disability as well as the individual themselves and affects the well-being and life chances of all those involved. This book provides a framework for tackling intellectual disability stigma in institutional processes, media representations and other, less overt, settings. It also highlights the anti-stigma interventions which are already in place and the central role that self-advocacy must play.

Editor: Scior, Katrina, Editor: Werner, Shirli

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1137524987
Language: English
Pages: 230