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International Handbook of Road Traffic Accidents and Psychological Trauma: Current Understanding, Treatment, and Law



The most common trauma that occurs in western civilization is the road traffic accident. Yet medical, psychological and legal professionals have to date largely ignored this all too common horror. In the fall of 1997, the First International Conference was held that was dedicated exclusively to the psychological impact of road traffic accidents (RTAs). This event brought, for the first time ever, the leading experts from all over the world to share and develop their ideas. This provided the catalyst of ideas and information for this volume. The volume as a result contains some of the most current information available on this topic to date. This book contains comprehensive overviews of the common medical and psychiatric disorders that follow RTAs. The book addresses the major psychological disorders of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder, with new data being presented from the leading research centers in the world. Reviews and preliminary data from some of the ongoing controlled clinical treatment trials are shared, as well as how the medical and psychiatric disorders interact with the role of the lawyers and insurers.

Editor: Hickling, Edward J, Editor: Blanchard, Edward B

Topic: Medical / Nursing
Media: Book
ISBN: 008042760X
Language: English
Pages: 448