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Janet Tallulah



Janet Tallulah Jewell is born in a small town in Georgia in the 1930’s. She is the third daughter of young man – Jesse Dickson Jewell – who owns a chicken hatchery with his mother in Gainesville. Janet’s mother – Anna Lou – is a housewife. She raises Janet to be a housewife. Prim, proper, obedient. Play nice, be fair, go to church, learn to sew and cook. Janet has other plans. Lead, shine, star, confront, enjoy, explore. By the time Janet is 31, she leaves Georgia and move to Los Angeles, California – coaxing her husband, Darrell, and three children to go with her. This Journal begins after Janet had been in LA for a year. Depressed, discouraged, naïve, and disillusioned, Janet attends a retreat focusing on depth psychology. Conducted by Jungian psychologist Ira Progoff, Janet immerses herself in a journalistic approach to humanistic psychology and begins writing in a Journal. This book covers her journey during those early years in LA – the time when she struggles to learn how to juggle being a wife, mother, and actress – all at the same time. One reader says, “This book was a great read. It tells the story of a small-town girl’s life striving to become an actress while still raising her children and being a wife. Jay doesn’t keep anything inside as she tells her story, so you get a real picture of what she endured. I really enjoyed reading this book. Being able to step inside the life and mindset of another person without leaving the comfort of my cozy couch.” Jay W. MacIntosh’s published works include “Capturing Beauty”, “The Origins of George Bernard Shaw’s Life Force Philosophy”, “Janet Tallulah”, “Journal of Janet Tallulah, Volume I”, “Journal of Janet Tallulah, Volume 2”, “Jayspeak on the Cote d’Azur”, and “Moments in Time”.

Author: Macintosh, Jay W

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1505634369
Language: English
Pages: 636

Additional information

Weight 1.85 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 1.28 in


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