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Jiangan: The Chinese Health Wand



Long before Tai Chi and Qigong became household names in the West, an American sailor visiting Shanghai discovered a gentle Chinese exercise called Jiangan – The Chinese Health Wand. This exercise system is simple yet potent and involves the manipulation of a lightweight pole traditionally made of bamboo. Jiangan co-ordinates slow diaphragmatic breathing with graduated stretching and strengthening exercises to promote circulation and stimulate the cardiovascular system. This book offers a concise practical guide to Jiangan exercises, providing detailed instructions and illustrations while also exploring the Chinese philosophy behind the art. Although a gentle and meditative form of exercise, the book shows that Jiangan has the muscle-toning and weight-loss potential of more robust gym workouts and is an ideal daily exercise routine or warm-up for a range of sports and martial arts classes. This book will be a valuable resource for teachers and students of Tai Chi and Qigong, as well as anyone looking for a simple and effective way to improve health and fitness using Eastern health arts.

Author: Davies, Michael

Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 1848190778
Language: English
Pages: 176