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Learn How to Make Things Right by Getting E.V.E.N.



The “Owner’s Manual” that you should have been given at birth! At last you have an easy-to-understand and practical program on human behavior that you or anyone can understand and use; The Four Wires of You Personality Identification and Communication Program. You can use it on yourself to understand why you do what you do, and on other people to crack the code for finally understanding why they do what they do. You will learn how to speak the different personality languages. If you have been looking for peace or control in your personal life – with your family, spouse, kids or in-laws, your boss or co-workers, or anyone whose actions you need to understand better – this is it. You will finally understand what makes people “tick” – including yourself. By using The Four Wires of You Personality Identification and Communication Program on a daily basis, you are going to have an unprecedented advantage over everyone who hasn’t yet discovered it. Once you know what to look for by using the program’s tools, people cannot help but reveal the secrets of their behavior. You can use it to wield influence with virtually anyone; enhance your personal, business and community relationships; become a person of impact by speaking the different personality languages for effective communication; make better decisions; take appropriate actions, and MUCH more.

Author: Heinemann, Susan

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 982957661
Language: English
Pages: 210