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Learning Through Child Observation



This fully-updated second edition of Learning Through Child Observation is a handbook for professionals working in, or students preparing to work in, children’s services. This accessible text examines the value of observation, its use in assessment and the practical aspects and methods of observational study. The author focuses on the importance of fully recognising the child’s developmental and emotional state when intervening, and the need to see children holistically’ and as unique individuals within the wider context of the family and community. New chapters include Views of Children and Childhood, which draws on European educational and sociological perspectives and highlights the contrasting views of children, and The ‘Hundred Languages of Children’, which considers the place of creative engagement and multiple forms of expression by children. With new material and updated chapters, this second edition of a popular text will appeal to students and professionals in all children’s services, whether in pre-school, schools, social care, mental health or health settings.

Author: Fawcett, Mary

Topic: Sociology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1843106760
Language: English
Pages: 175