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Loving a Narcissist: Foreclosure of a Dream


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Includes the booklet Narcissism “The Killer of Love” What could drive an individual who is emotionally strong and highly successful, with a hearty appetite for life, to suddenly lose all desire to live? What could possibly strip a religious person of all belief in God with the blink of an eye? Those vital questions are about to be answered. Within the throes of a madly passionate romance is the most ghastly soul rape and mind crime conceivable. A true love story that exists in a world where nothing is as real as perceived. Beneath the surface of what seems to be a fairy tale romance is the outline for what may be the perfect murder, and if you are naive enough to think it can’t happen to you, you’re wrong, … dead wrong. Loving A Narcissist is the memoirs of a man being victimized by a lethal narcissist, from beginning to end as it happens. Be there as he learns about narcissism and as he searches for a way to completely heal from the abuse. Many readers/victims praise this book for helping them understand what has happened to them, to know that they are not crazy and heal as well. Now contains the booklet Narcissism “The Killer of Love” for free. “Dynamic person stylized writing. Brilliant! A death to birth with a delivery that is painful as bloody hell.” – Becky Joyce Reed (Author of Life in the Aftermath of a Narcissist) “Congratulations on writing a wonderful and powerful book. Yours is a very important story to tell – because it’s from a man’s viewpoint (not a perspective we hear from enough).” – Leslie Morgan Steiner (Author of the New York Times best selling memoir “Crazy Love”) This book saved my life. – Debby Perez Everyone should read this. These psychopaths are multiplying like crazy and we need to know how to identify them for our own sakes and for the sake of society. This is one story out of too many that can teach us what to look out for. – Linda Freeman Dear Steven, I received your book on a Friday, and could not put it down, yet at times the pain I felt for you was unbearable. I could so relate though to the pain. Steven, I just finished reading your book “Loving a Narcissist” and I wanted to tell you how moved I was by your honesty and revealing your vulnerability. Reading it, I cried for you sometimes. Thank you for telling us your story. It doesn’t just happen to women. Be well and blessed … I think you are now. – Liz Davies

Author: Craig, Steven K

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1494880555
Language: English
Pages: 486

Additional information

Weight 1.56 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1.08 in


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