Loving the Foods I Use to Hate / Living a Diabetic Stress Free Life!
Loving The Foods I Use To Hate, is a book about weight loss. Author Angela H.Brown lost 60 pounds, and invented mouth watering recipes! This book is a must read it teaches you how stress and weight plays a vital roll in your life! When you let go of the stress then everything else falls into place. Angela was also border line Diabetic and now she is Diabetic free, with changing some bad old habits and now a size 6! She will educate Diabetics, sand over weight people on how to loose the weight and live in their God given purpose! Learn about GLUTEN FOODS, herbs, and how they can heal you! This information is full of tips, and instructions on what order to eat your foods and portion control! Look how she transformed her 41 year old body, and took off 20 years!www.livingdiabeticfree.com
Author: Brown, Angela Hughes
Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 983911622
Language: English
Pages: 108
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